If you are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction you can eat
fruits which play a very significant role in the sexual health. Fruits are essential source of mineral,
antioxidants, fibre and vitamins. The
fruits mentioned below help gain optimum sexual health,
Apples are filled with
antioxidants and this helps protect the cardiovascular system from oxygen
related damage and apples also reduce artery-clogging cholesterol.
Ripe Bananas are a major source of the amino acid tyrosine
which regulates and stimulates dopamine levels. Bananas are also one of the
best sources of potassium for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart
function and are very good for blood circulation as well.
Drink Watermelon Juice as high level of amino acid is found
in watermelon. It helps blood flow to
the penis to enable men suffering from erectile dysfunction to have a satisfied
sex life.
Strawberries and
Papayas are a good source of Vitamin C, anti oxidants and flavanoids which
protect the artery walls from bad cholesterol.
Pomegranates are rich
in antioxidants that can keep bad LDL cholesterol and help keep blood platelets
from to form unwanted clots. Studies have shown that consuming pomegranate juice
can help combat erectile dysfunction.
Avocados, a good source of potassium, have long been considered an aphrodisiac,
regulates high blood pressure and a diet high in avocados can lead to considerable
decrease in total cholesterol and LDL and
provides you with more energy.
Herbal products also effectively help in overcoming erectile dysfunction in a
safe and natural way.