ED is when a man can't
get and maintain an erection regularly and the penis won’t stay hard and stiff but
remains limp. Men suffering from immense stress, tiredness, having relationship
issues, have anxiety before or during the performance, relationship issues,
obesity and excessive alcohol consumptions are some of the factors that cause
erectile dysfunction but if temporary then no need to worry but if this
condition continues then proper and effective remedy should be taken. Stress if
not managed properly can lead to insomnia, gut problems and chest pains and
hence you should relax and do some yoga or meditation that helps relax the
body. Hard drugs like heroin, cocaine are also the common causes for men not
able to get a hard erection and till the drugs are washed out of his body
completely, he will not be able to have a proper erection or sexual
intercourse. Some prescription drugs can also cause
erection problems. Men who suffer from this problem should get proper support
and compassion from his partner.
There are a number of medications in the market which contain
chemicals that might be effective in sustaining an erection, but they also have
side effects such as nasal congestion, dizziness, headache, vision changes just
to name a few.
supplements are the safest and most effective way to combat erectile
dysfunction as they are formulated using herbs which helps the quality of
erections, restores sexual desire as well as sexual vitality.