Thursday, September 12, 2019

Type 2 Diabetes & Erectile Problems

If you are suffering from Type 2 Diabetes it affects you and your body in different ways.  Though women also suffer from various problems due to Type 2 Diabetes, men have to deal with a sexual problem also, that is erectile problems.  Sexual problems are very common and is often linked to Type 2 Diabetes.

As erectile problems are normally associated with the amount of blood flow to the penile area, men suffering from diabetes suffer from this sexual problem as it affects the blood flow and he is unable to have an erection or sustain it.  Diabetes affects many parts of your physical life but when it hampers and causes problem to his sexual life, it can be emotionally devastating to him.  The risks of suffering from erectile dysfunction increases considerably if a man is detected with Type 2 Diabetes and this is because limited blood flow and nerve damage can affect the legs, hands and the penis.

Diabetes also can affect the heart and there is a possibility of men having coronary artery disease and men who have both heart problem and diabetes, the chances of getting erectile dysfunction increases.
To stay away from erectile problems and other illnesses, men should keep their sugar levels within the normal range and maintain a healthy diet. Reduce fat intake and keep the cholesterol levels down to maintain a healthy heart and cut down on excessive alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.  You can also include a safe and effective herbal supplement that will help increase blood flow and let essential vitamins and nutrients to make their way throughout your body.

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